Georgetown University I-9 Process
Employees are permitted to complete the I-9 form in one of three ways:
- Schedule an in-person appointment with an I-9 Analyst to complete the I-9 form. Scheduled appointments are required for our offices. We are located on the 6th floor of 2115 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 601, Washington, DC 20007 (Open 8:30 am- 5:00 pm) and on Main Campus in White-Gravenor Hall, 3701 P St NW, Washington, DC 20057 (Open 9:00am- 4:30pm) Enter the lower level of the building via the East entrance by the koi pond. The I-9 Office is within the Office of Student Financial Services.
- Law Center employees may contact to schedule an appointment and report to the Department of Employment Services (McDonough Hall, Room 583) to complete the I-9.
*Capitol Campus employees of Georgetown can also complete their I-9 process at the Law Center.* - Complete the Remote I-9 form with an authorized representative. Complete the Remote I-9 form with an authorized representative. The Department of Human Resources I-9 website offers detailed instructions and access to all of the forms required to complete a remote I-9.
The I-9 form is a form that all employees working in the United States are required to fill out. If you are working remotely outside of the US, please contact our office to see if you are required to complete the I-9 form. Employees are required to complete the form within three days of their hire date.
Please contact the I-9 office at with any questions or concerns regarding the I-9 Form.
I-9 Instructions by Campus
General Information
Federal law requires that all employees verify their identity and eligibility to work in the United States by completing the I-9 Form within 3 business days of hire. Employees who are updating their work authorization documents must also complete the re-verify process though the I-9 form.
For Administrative and Student workers the Electronic I-9 process is initiated through the worker’s GMS onboading tasks and requires that the Hire transaction for the worker be completed in GMS before the Electronic I-9 can be initiated.
Section 1 of the I-9 Form will be prepopulated with information from the employee’s background check for Administrative employees, or from Banner for Student workers. New hires will be instructed on the completion of the form through email alerts during their onboarding process; and hiring managers will receive emails advising them of the employee’s I-9 completion status. Please refer to the New Hire Payroll Calendar for deadlines to process and onboard new hires.
For Faculty: As part of the onboarding process, faculty members are required to complete the Electronic I-9, which can be accessed by all workers in GMS (please refer to the Electronic I-9 job aid for details). Newly hired Faculty have the option to complete the I-9 Form electronically or via paper form.
The visual inspection of I-9 identification documents is required. Human Resources Contacts and I-9 Analysts are responsible for reviewing documents presented by employees and entering the information into GMS. To find the I-9 contact for your campus, please click on the appropraite link to the right. A copy of the identification documents will also be scanned in GMS.
Please remember, the U.S. Citizen and immigration Service (USCIS) requires employees to present their original, unexpired documents from the List of Acceptable Documents in person, within 3 business days of hire. Failure to complete this process will result in the employee being removed from payroll.
For questions regarding the GMS process for electronic I-9s, please email
For questions regarding the I-9 Form or acceptable documents, please email
Remote Hires
Any employee who is hired by Georgetown University must file an I-9 form, even if they are working outside of the DC area. If an employee is unable to complete the I-9 in person they will need to file the form remotely. The hiring department will need to send the employee the Remote Hire Notice Form. It is the hiring department’s responsibility to complete the Employee Information and Georgetown University Hiring Department Information section of the Remote Hire Notice Form. The employee will then need to take a copy of the I-9 and their original documents to a notary, Human Resources professional or lawyer to complete the I-9 form.
If an employee is unable to locate a notary, Human Resources professional or lawyer to complete the I-9 form the I-9 office can locate a HR representative at a nearby college or university. Georgetown University participates in a consortium of universities and representatives through to complete I-9s on a reciprocal basis. If an employee would like to utilize this option and does not have access to CUPA-HR, they would need to contact our office at and we will help them make arrangements to complete the I-9.
The completed I-9 form, Remote Hire Notice Form and copies of the original documents presented will then be mailed back to the Department of Human Resources. Even when completed remotely the I-9 form must still be completed within the 3 business day deadline to be compliance with federal law.
Remote I-9 Instructions and I-9
List of Acceptable Documents for completing the I-9
Please note that all documents must be original (not photocopied or scanned) and unexpired.
Click here for the list as a PDF.

If more specific information is needed regarding acceptable documents, please email
Helpful Links
As the form changes frequently, and the requirement is to use the most recent version, always retrieve the form from the USCIS website.
The USCIS website also has more detailed information and illustrations regarding acceptable documents, re-verification and completing Section 3.