Relocation Services
Welcome to Georgetown University and the Metropolitan DC Area, home to our Nation’s Capital. This page is intended as a resource for candidates for employment who are considering relocating to this area and for employees who would like to explore more local resources.

Transportation & Travel
Metro DC airports, hotels, maps, public transportation, Department of Motor Vehicle websites and GU Transportation (GUTS)

State & Local Governments
Metro DC government websites that provide information on transportation, trash pick-up, recycling, public safety, schools, communities, taxes, utilities, voter information, emergency preparedness and additional relocation resources.

Institutional Diversity, Equity & Affirmative Action
GU resources and policies such as those concerning diversity, affirmative action, equal opportunity employment and accommodations for those with disabilities.

Online Directories
Online directories like the White & Yellow pages as well as the GU online directory.

Recreation & Entertainment
Metro DC dining, nightlife, museums, tourism and volunteer organizations.

Banking & Finance
Metro DC businesses that have partnered with GU to provide banking and finance resources.