The HR Minute: Interviews
Meet Your HR Team
Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
Debbie Brletic,

Sandhya Wilhelm,
EAP Counselor

1. How do you serve the Georgetown Community?
Debbie: “We provide short-term counseling for faculty and staff with mental health, work-related or other concerns that might affect their job performance. We also make referrals to community resources; support supervisors managing employees who may be exhibiting emotional or workplace difficulties; and deliver training and workshops on a variety of mental health topics and on FSAP services.”
Sandhya: “Our focus is to create a safe space for community members to be vulnerable and work with them to achieve resiliency and healing.”
2. Why did you choose to work at GU?
Debbie: “I’ve been at Georgetown, first as a part-time employee and then full-time, for almost seven years. As a perpetual student at heart, I always wanted to work in a university environment. I love having the opportunity to work with such a variety of interesting people of all –
ages, from different backgrounds and perspectives. As a therapist, it’s a privilege to be able to walk alongside our colleagues in a support role as they do the good work of educating our students and keeping this community going!”

Sandhya: “I’ve been at GU since July of 2006. I didn’t intend to stay long. Working with FSAP Counselors, doing a lot of mental health work alongside them, inspired me to become one. One of FSAP’s former Counselors and my direct mentor, Steve Moore, had the most significant influence on me. He encouraged me to stay and make it happen! He has left, but I continue the work.”
3. What’s your hometown?
Debbie: “I’m a proud Pittsburgher.”
Sandhya: “I was born and grew up in Mumbai, India. I lived there until I moved to Mobile, AL in 2001 to start school at the University of South Alabama.”
4. What are three fun facts about you that nobody at GU knows and you would be happy to share with your colleagues?
– “I’m a huge sports fan (pretty much ANY sport).”
– “I am also a musical theater lover.”
– “Give me a hot/humid DC summer over a cold winter day, anytime!”
– “I grew up with big dogs, trained and readied them as show dogs.”
– “I have met two U.S. Presidents.”
– “I was invited to run for the Arlington County School Board.”