Engagement of Minor Employees Notice
Posted in HR Messages

Each quarter, we seek to remind our community of Georgetown University’s Protection of Minors Policy to protect those under 18 years of age who participate in programs and activities associated with the University and to provide guidance to University students, faculty and staff who are involved with such programs and activities.
When someone in your department wants to engage a non-Georgetown student who is a minor (under age 18) as an employee, or as a volunteer or unpaid intern, the requirements of the Protection of Minors Policy must be met before employment or volunteering/interning begins. This is inclusive of situations in which the minor employee or volunteer/unpaid intern is working remotely and interacting with their supervisor or other Georgetown faculty, staff or students by phone or online.
Before engaging a minor employee, volunteer or unpaid intern, please notify the Office of Compliance and Ethics (OCE) at protectionofminors@georgetown.edu and provide the following information:
- Minor’s name;
- Supervisor’s name and NetID;
- Department;
- Intended employment start date (and end date, if it is a term position); and,
- A brief description of the work the minor will be doing.
OCE will advise you, or the supervisor of the minor employee, of your obligations under the Protection of Minors Policy.
Further, when employing a minor, the hiring procedures outlined in HR Policy 206 (Employment of Minors) should be followed. Please be aware that when engaging minors as volunteers or unpaid interns, a Minor Volunteer Agreement and Consent form signed by a parent or guardian must be submitted before their first day.
You can find more information about the protection of minor employees at https://protectionofminors.georgetown.edu/program-directors/engagementofminors/. If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact Anne Koester in the Office of Compliance and Ethics at 202-687-3199 or ayk2@georgetown.edu.
Anthony D. Kinslow, MA, JD
Chief Human Resources Officer
Vice President of Human Resources